Saturday, September 24, 2005

Top Teams Cup - First Match

Just a quick summary from last night:

We started well, playing solid aggrassive volleyball. The other team also had problems with their serve - quite a few serve mistakes - and didn't really look very strong from the beginning. Putting aside a few VERY questionable referee calls we should have won the first set. After five or six set balls for us and some back and forth at the end we lost 28-30. Afterwards things went downhill with each set getting worse.

In the last two sets we lost some of our agression an they started to work in to their game. No doubt, the team we are playing agaihst is good. Solid ball players with a lot of collective experience. They are mostly czech and slovenian nationals (everyone who complains about foreigners in the danish league should see the way the austrian league is set up - there were no austrians on the court for their team consistently) and they all look like they have side jobs as mercenaries. By the end of the match there was little question on who was the better of the two teams.

We'll make some adjustments and see what we can do tonight. Hopefully I'll have something better to report then...

Good luck to everyone this weekend!

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