Thursday, October 13, 2005


A few complaints here in this blog. A quick mention of conspiracy. And after a new lottery there are no favorite against favorite matches in the quarterfinals of the Pokal...

In a weird twist on what I wrote last time, I'm actually kind of sad about it. Probably because I was hoping to see two other teams who were "favorites" have to play each other. But maybe I'm starting to agree with Villadsen and Skibe. The whole point of the cup is to make things a little different from the regular playoffs. The possibility that anyone can play anyone kind of spices things up. So, after further review, I think that the new system should continue...

Some quick notes:

Who is the luckiest team so far? Sk Aarhus, who not only has drawn their second first division team in a row but who now has to travel all 35 minutes to Spentrup to play the quarterfinals. A close second would be Gentofte, only because they have to travel all the way to Odense to play theirs.

Can someone please fill me in on the Brazilian in Gentofte? Karsten has chosen to be sly about what is going on over there. But as far as I can tell Santos hasn't played in a match for them yet... We'll see what happens this weekend in Middelfart.

Looks like pretty decent odds tonight on HIK. Even though they have to win 3-0 I think it's a pretty safe bet... At odds 1.70 it is definitely worth a shot.


Anonymous said...

Like you, I would have liked to see one surprise team make it through to the semis. That's probably not going to happen now.

However, I'm not sure there's grounds for the conspiracy talk.

First of all, I believe the draw was made "in public" with several unpartial persons present.

Secondly, if you look at the women's draw, four of the top teams were actually drawn against each other.

Plus, it's not so statistically incomprehendible that all four favorites should be drawn in separate matches. If my maths are correct, there would be a 23 percent chance of this as opposed to an 8,5 percent chance of all four facing each other in this round.

Is anyone here an expert on statistics and mathematics?

Anonymous said...

Vedr. Brasilianeren, så har han været skadet i de første kampe. Om han er det stadig, det ved jeg ikke.

Anonymous said...

Jordan - du er for langsom ;-) jeg fik Ålborg kampen til odds 1,55 med handicap 1,5! - men har da også sat lidt ekstra penge på 3-0 kampen...

Ang. lodtrækningen tror jeg nu den er fair nok.

Små rygter går i krogene om at Brasilianeren er klar til kampen i weekenden - så det glæder vi os til.

Held og lykke i de kommende kampe - det skulle være muligt at tjene lidt penge i denne weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'm not unhappy with the draw.

In relation to the conspircy theory, I think you should talk to your own president, I have heard he was the one drawing the teams.
