Monday, October 24, 2005

Match Report Aalborg

Most everything that needed to be said is on the Marienlyst website. I just thought I would add a few things that didn't really belong on there.

The women's match before ours was delayed by about 45 minutes when one of the posts broke and had to be fixed/replaced. Kind of a bummer when you walk into the gym at 14:20 and two women's teams are standing around in the court with confused looks in their eyes.

It is especially disturbing when you know that you need to get home so that you are ready for the Mustache party that night.

The fourth set was actually 26-23 to us. The scorekeepers forgot to give us a point early on in the set and it made for kind of a weird situation. Does anyone know what the rule is in this case? It can't be true that the final decision is made by the "official" scorekeeper. Next time that we play a home match and we are losing, can we just change the score to our advantage? If anyone makes a fuss about it we'll just refer them to one of our official scorekeepers...

Stewart hit a ball that was at least one meter outside of the antenna right down the line into the corner. The rules do state that a ball must be hit inside the two antennas but apparently in this case the referees decided to let it go, I guess a line judge would have been some help...

Sounds like it was an eventful weekend in the elite division. Glad to see that no one ended up winning 3-0. The more sets the better!


Anonymous said...

you don't need to adjust the scoreboard when you have home matches, the referees take care already that you are not loosing

Jordan said...

Ho, ho, take it easy now... I don't think that I would ever accuse the referees of helping us win. They are always against us (at least in my mind, ha ha).

Anonymous said...

By the way, you wrote that no one ended up winning 3-0. I believe we (Hvidovre) did but maybe you were only talking about the top teams...

Jordan said...

A good point. It must have been my mustache from the weekend clogging up my brain. Congratulations by the way...

Anonymous said...

Man kan vel ikk sige de altid er i mod jer!!! Jeg kender ikke ret mange andre der højt og tydelige kan udbryde "Tak for det smarte" til 2.dommeren så hele hallen høre det og undgå et gulkort - ja selvfølelig lige med undtagelse af jesper Hansen. Havde det nu været Villadsen havde han jo nærmeste fået 3-4 dages karentæne :-)

Jordan said...

Yeah, I'm actually one of the only ones who didn't really hear it since I was back to serve. But from what I hear, Hansen was about a millimeter from getting that yellow card (at what turned out to be a very important point). Then again, I think the ref knew that he had gone slightly over the line as well with his comment. And considering that you had gotten a magical extra point somewhere in there it would have been even more problematic to give a yellow card... That being said, I agree that Villadsen definitely would have gotten a yellow card in that situation. Prejudices do exist - sometimes with good reason, sometimes without...