Monday, October 31, 2005

Quick Notes PVC

The full match report is on but here are a few other quick thoughts from the match.

What the hell is going on over there in Polythallen? I heard it was a weird place to play but I didn’t expect that we would be playing in semi-darkness. I mean, there has to be a certain standard for how much light there should be in a hall. I felt more like I was in a planetarium than a gym. Sitting down in the corner during the third set I could barely see the team on the other side of the net. Some guy from the other side of one of the walls (I think he was lifting weights) was yelling for us to shut up during the match. Weird place. No offense to them but I hope that I don’t have to play there again.

No warm up music? It has been a long time since I have warmed up without music. It is amazing how much difference a little music can make.

I didn’t really notice it, but apparently PVC got an extra point, or we missed one of our points, or something, during the second set. That is two matches in a row now that the score people have messed up.

I’m not here to brutally criticize any of the referees. But I do want to say that I was disappointed with the refereeing yesterday. I felt that we were the really bad during the match, but the refs didn’t have their best day either. And being called under five times in a match is not a very normal occurrence. I’m not sure if the rule was being enforced correctly…

My string hair band made its debut appearance in the match. I’ll have to consider if it was bad enough to put it away again………..


Anonymous said...

Ja de ydre rammer var ret specielle i dagens anledning - hallen havde været brugt til et arrangement om fredagen så vi var forberedt på det værste men der var ingen nævneværdige skader.

Det lys som vi nyder godt af i polyt-hulen er af varierende styrke dog aldrig af en sådan styrke så det ville være tilfredsstillende for udenfor kommende. Det skal dog siges at det er muligt at få langt mere lys hvis man eller kan få DTU til at skrue op for styrken, det har vi nok prøvet en del gange gennem de sidste 10 år, uden held.
En anden specialitet som vi var udsat for i går var den 'klatre-abe' som ikke kunne klare at det støjede i hallen når han nu var ved at træne !!!!! Jeg har godt nok aldrig været udsat for noget lignede i de år jeg har været i klubben. Han kom endda ned i hallen for at stoppe for de højrøstede spillere men blev dog stoppet af tilskuerne før han fik stoppet spillet...... Ja ja han var sikkert ingeniør-studerende.
Håber da på at vi via DVBF kan få skruet op for lysstyrken i hallen - jeg tvivler dog.

Mht. til kampen, så kan jeg ikke huske hvornår jeg sidst har været med til at kaste 8 sætbolde i træk.
Ellers skuffede Marienlyst ved ikke at være i stand til at give os den volley-lektion som normalt vil være forskellen på de 2 hold. Dog skal det siges at vi aldrig var i nærheden af deres centerspil hvor Toke vandt alt..

/mvh PVC - KB

Jeg kan lige indskyde at Middelfart ingen problemer havde med at uddele en solid røvfuld til os på trods af det ringe lys.

Kasper said...

Hvis jeg husker rigtigt, siger volleyreglerne at der skal være 1000 lux målt 1 meter over gulvet.

Det kunne være sjovt at få en måling fra Polythallen. I øvrigt havde vi selv problemer med ringe belysning i halvdelen af hallen i vores hjemmekamp mod netop PVC, men det så ikke ud til at give PVC nogen fordel.

Men det er relativt sjældent at man ser dommere have lysmålere med i hallen.

Anonymous said...

dat was a close one for you sounds like there was all kinds of trouble.... well you got it home and thats alle that matters...

tjeck out this blog :
a nice try in my opinion

well see you cross those sidelines as al pacino would say ....

peace out

Jordan said...

Okay, I should have known that soon enough everyone would have a volleyball blog. What can one expect here in Denmark, everyone here loves to hear the sound of their own voice, or more specifically, the sound of their own fingers typing... I can't tell you how many supposed fifteen minute meetings have turned into two hours because everyone wanted to have their say in things. Damn you people and your desire to be heard. Wait a minute, who likes to hear his own voice more than anyone else that I know? Oh yeah, that's me.

No seriously, the more the merrier. I've got nothing but time to sit around and read about volley and Peter should have some interesting things to say.

Kasper, I've tried to use the link function several times and for some reason it didn't work. I don't know what the deal is but I'll keep trying.

PVC, I just think it was kind of weird to play there. In no way will I say that it had any effect on the way we played. But I can definitely say that it wasn't particularly pleasant in there. That guy lifting weights was pretty funny though...

Anonymous said...

Well.... uhm

All wins... That is the perfect time to sack the coach.. whats up with that???

"the chemestry just isnt there"

"its not you simon its us"

Tell us a litle about this.....


Anonymous said...

uha...ja det er jo et lidt betændt emne at tage hul på, og under normale omstændigheder er det jo også uset at fyre en træner for et hold der bare vinder alle deres kampe.
Men det er åbenbart ikke uden grund at Peter Lyø ofte omtales som KONGEN. Ingen tvivl om at han kan mange ting som ingen andre kan.

Anonymous said...

Kongen ?? og hvad er det for ting han kan?? Det er da ikke gået specielt godt for DHG - de har da haft samme muligheder som BM - de havde jo alle de spillere som nu er skiftet til BM mon de så skifter ingen nu.....

Anonymous said...

Hvis jeg ikke tager fejl blev DHG mestre i 2003, og det var som du siger rigtig nok med spillere, som Jesper Hansen, Peter Lyck, Mads Ditlevsen, BT, Daniel Thomsen, Søren Hansen og Lars Hoppe som alle siden har spillet i Marienlyst.

Sæsonen efter blev DHG nr. 2 i pokalen og vindere af grundspillet dog "kun" nr. 4 i sidste ende. Men da var de fleste fra sidste års hold også væk. Desuden har Jordan Hove aldrig spillet i DHG.

Anonymous said...

Ja lige præcist det er netop min point de havde alle muligheder for at gøre hvad BM gør nu og det med "Kongen" i en central rolle i klubben men det formåede de ikke og dermed "flugten" til BM - hvorfor skulle det være anderledes der med "Kongen" i en ny central rolle?

Jordan said...

I don't know about all this about Peter Lyo. This is a new team and a new place, I don't really think it has anything to do with the past. I don't know what it is going to be like with him having a role as a coach but I'm going into it optimistically. I still think that we have the talent to do well this year, but it is going to take more of an effort from the players to make that possibility into reality. Remember that Peter was usually playing as well in the situations that were named. I think this is a completely new and unique situation for him and for us. And no one can really say how it will work out.