Thursday, March 30, 2006

Team of the Year

By now it seems like everyone has a feeling one way or the other about the new team of the year voting. I’m no exception and I think it is fairly ridiculous. First though, let me just say that I think it reveals a larger problem in Danish volleyball: Namely, the tendency to change the way things work all the time, regardless of whether they work well or not. Since I’ve been in Denmark, I’ve played three different formats for the finals, I’ve seen the grundspil change, I’ve seen the team of the year voting change twice, etc… I admit, some of the changes have been positive (taking points from the grundspil over to the slutspil for example) but generally, it seems to just be change for change’s sake. I’ve also heard from a lot of people that there have been constant changes throughout the history of Danish volley. I do understand that change is necessary and that the DVBF is doing these things in the name of progress, but it just seems like overkill sometimes.

As for the new team of the year selection process, I’m fairly skeptical. For most of the same reasons as everyone else, who are these people on the committee? Have they seen any of us play? What was wrong with the old system, etc…

And while I agree that some players voted “tactically” or not seriously, the majority took it seriously. Who is to say that the new system isn’t going to be more political than the old? Now you have a small group of people deciding the outcome of the team, if only one or two have a stronger connection to one team or one player than another then you have a major problem. Say they haven’t seen two of the teams play this season? No matter how objective they want to be, they are naturally going to vote for what they know. I think that is a shame. Let’s look at the board: One person doesn’t even live in Denmark, so that’s interesting. A couple of the others, I admit, I don’t know who they are so they could have been at some of the games and I wouldn’t know. I know that at least two live in Copenhagen so they would have seen most of their games in Copenhagen, where most teams would be playing away.

I realize that the coaches are going to be making a lot of these decisions, with the nominations, etc… And the board will kind of be settling any disputes that come along, but to me that is backward. You’re giving the power to a select few instead of the masses. It’s kind of an oligarchic Greek step back in time, where we need Rome and the republic. I just think the old system worked well, had a few small flaws and satisfied everyone while the new system may work well, may have big flaws and leaves many people unsatisfied.

I think the people that get left off the list will have more to complain about this year than before. No one ever got edged out by someone’s joke vote, generally there were two or three legitimate candidates that got most of the votes and then there were a few dumb votes down the line. But, at least a player could see where he stood. If they missed by a couple of votes, they missed by a couple votes, not much to do about it, the votes weren’t there. Now, if you come in second, you have to wonder, who was it that didn’t vote for me? Did they see me play one bad game? Did they see the other guy play one good game? Did they see me play at all? I think in general the process is losing credibility by switching.

I can say personally, as a player, it felt good to have the other players in the league vote for me. I trust the people that I play against every day more than anyone else, they know who gives them the most problems during a match, they know about the little things that affect the outcome of the match that you can’t really pick up from the stands.

Who says that people voted tactically anyways? Coordinating votes as a team? Who are the teams that do this? I’ll happily state here in full view that if your team discussed this and coordinated your votes so that someone on your team made it, then you all are ridiculous people. You can have my player of the year award if it means that much to you. I have a hard time believing that this happens.

In the end, I think there is space for this committee, if it necessary. But I would like to see a system that takes everything into account. We could keep the committee and the coaches, and still have the players vote. Then we could assign a certain weight to each of the results. More information usually equals more accuracy and the players would still get to have a say. Simple.

Ok, enough about that, I’m not really in favor of the new system. But I love all of you on the committee! And the coaches too! I’m sure you’ll all make the right decisions for nominations…

I am actually glad that they brought back the “player of the year” category, that was always kind of a mystery that they stopped naming a best player. So, that is positive. Now they just have to start giving money again to the people who make the team, that was also nice.

I’m not so sure about the referee of the year category. I think that it probably should be recognized, but it would help if they would have told us about this earlier so I could have been thinking about it during the season. It’s fairly hard to think back and remember which referees were working each match, with the exception of some of the times I was unsatisfied. It’s kind of like you never really notice a really good ref, as it should be, so it is hard to remember the well refereed matches. But, I’m not voting, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

Last thing, I understand that the team of the year should be unveiled at the finals, and that is fine. But I definitely think that performances in the semi-finals and if possible, the first final match should be taken into account. I mean, those are important matches, I don’t see why they wouldn’t count towards the voting.

One of these days soon, I’ll write down who I would have voted for and why for this year. I was going to wait until after we voted, but since that isn’t happening, it doesn’t really matter.

Good luck to everyone this weekend!


Nathan said...

i totally agree, at least when the players vote for a team of the year they have played every team at least twice in the competition. As well as looking at scouting tapes, attending other matches etc. Surely they have seen and heard about a lot more performances than the committee. From what I've heard, and the results of the teams from previous years it certainly seems that those who made the team certainly deserved to be there.
Also finals should definitelly count towards the player of the year and team of the year. If anything they should count double. The sign of real good player is being able to perform over all areas of the season, whether that be the grundspil, slutspil or playiffs.
But i guess we will have to wait and see on the results, and then we can really tell if this new system is any good.

Anonymous said...


Hvis man vendte tingene om.

Hvis nu trænerene startede med at nominere 7 spillere (som ikke er fra eget hold) og derefter blev den samlede liste sendt ud til spillerne som kunne stemme på de nominerede?

Bare en ide


Anonymous said...

Hi Jordan
I also agree that the old system for chosing the team where better. Your colleagues are the best to decide which players preform.

However your point about that the semi's and the finales should also count problaly would be unfair to the teams that didn't make the semi's, a player should also be taking in to consideration regardless of his or her team didn't make it.


Jordan said...

Hoppe, I like that idea, sounds absolutely reasonable to me.

Flemming, while I agree that players should still be considered even if they didn't make the playoffs, that doesn't mean that we can't still use the playoffs for those players that make it that far. Let's say for example that player A and player B are both outside hitters who are very close in votes as to which one should be named to årets hold. Player A, however, is in the playoffs and has two monster games in the semi-finals, making a huge impact on whether his team goes to the finals. I personally would rather see Player A make it onto the team as he has now shown just how important he is to his team, especially in a pressure situation. Unfortunate that Player B didn't get to show what he can do in the playoffs, but that's the way life goes, I have no problem rewarding a player for making it into the post-season. Of course, this could also go the other way, with Player A having two horrible games in the semi-finals and therefore not making the årets hold. Either way, I don't see a problem in including those games...

Kasper said...

By the way, the debate about the semifinals and finals being included in the vote has no relation to the new system.

It was the same way in the old system.

Anonymous said...


Those two scenarios was the same two i thought through, but my "concern" was that it was the latter preformance one would remember( I know I would even if I try to fool myself that i am trying to take everything into account;) ) so i came to the conclusion that the best thing was to evaluate preformance at the same time...

On another note the referee of the year should be the one you would notice the least.... never the less I nominate the referee that gave the red card - I never thought i should experience that in my career ;)


Anonymous said...

Bare for at Jordan kan få lidt dialog på sin hjemmeside vil jeg da lige komme med min mening også. For mig er det 2 vidt forskellige anerkendelser spillerne på årets hold får i år, sammenlignet med den de har fået de foregående år. Tidligere var det en anerkendelse fra modspillere/ konkurrenter/ kollegaer, hvilket for mig da må være den yberste anerkendelse en spiller kan få. Nu er det i stedet (mere eller mindre) en træner beslutning kombineret med en beslutning fra en komite hvor flere deltagere ikke engang har set en eneste kamp i sæsonen... Betyder det så at folk bliver valgt på deres navn? Argumentet med at folk tidligere har stemt taktisk er noget fis… De spillere der er blevet kåret de tidligere år har været fuldt berettiget til det, og det er nok heller ikke tilfældigt at der er mange gengangere gennem årene.


Anonymous said...

Enig med alle jer der siger at det gamle system er at foretrække - gidder ikke komme med de argummenter som allerede er bragt på banen.

Efter min overbevisning er der et par af komite'ens medlemmer som man kan stille spørgsmål tegn ved.
Derfor kunne det være interessant at vide hvilke kriterier der ligger til grund for sammensætningen af komiteen.


Anonymous said...

Ja det kunne være utrolig interessant at se de kriterier... Hvad er argumenterne for at tage en bestyrelsesformand, en turneringsansvarlig og en pressemedarbejder med i komiteen? Hvor stor er deres sportslige indsigt? At Kasper så tilfældigvis også er spiller og har spillet mod alle holdene i efteråret og dermed nok er en af dem med bedst indsigt, er jo bare et tilfælde...

I forhold til resten er det stort set kun Fred Sturm jeg kan huske at have set til ret meget mere end en enkelt af vores kampe. Så det nye system giver heller ikke så meget mening for mig. Rent faktisk synes jeg det er til grin! Jeg har intet imod at det nu er trænerne der nominerer, selvom jeg måske ikke her lige stor tiltro til alles kompetencer. Men det vil da være langt bedre hvis det så bare var dem der også havde den endelige beslutning.

Men det bliver da interessant at se hvem der bliver udvalgt, og det ville da gavne komiteen hvis den samtidig kom med en udtalelse omkring de enkelte spillere så man kunne høre hvad der er blevet lagt vægt på.


Anonymous said...

...revolt against centralized decisions made by outsiders...

Kinger said...

too much danish! i feel like i'm on crazy pills!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jordan,

Good thoughts about the team of the year. I remember that year we had when we all got those ballots after training and proceeded to vote. That was a pretty cool experience, because as you said the players know how good the other players are. I have been in the situation too many times talking to a guy who thinks he knows a lot about volleyball because he watches it but has never played it, and really does not have a clue. But on the other hand Denmark was the only place I have seen or heard of where the players have had that sort of power.

Nathan Bennett

DIEGO said...

why don't you select the best players according to the games statistics?

for sure you'll pick the ones who had better positivity and efficiency during the whole season!!

Jordan said...

Bennett, good to hear from you man. We've got to respect what you say considering you are the newly crowned champ of Cyprus!

Diego, I have no problem with including statistics in the process of selecting the best players, but there are several problems with using them exclusively. First, not every team takes detailed statistics. Second, of the teams that do, there is no way that they are consistent with other teams methods. One statistician's 2 pass is anothers' 1. Third, statistics clearly do not tell the whole story, there are other things that statistics don't account for. Who plays best when the pressure is on? Who gets all their kills against the worst teams? I do agree that statistics could help us identify the best player candidates, but on their own, I don't think they are reliable.