Monday, February 19, 2007


Two wildly different results in the last couple of weeks. And I think that the difference illustrates the importance of the home crowd to our team.

Last weekend we played in a small town called Delitzsch and lost an ugly match 1 - 3. They are currently one of the worst teams in the entire league and losing to them is nothing less than a catastrophe. From the very first ball we played poorly. We hit a ton of balls out or into the block and we didn't do anything positive to make up for the bad stuff. We saw a quick edited compilation of all our mistakes in a row yesterday - it wasn't pretty.

Matches like that are the hardest to figure out. You can always look back and think about how poorly we practiced the week before or look at the problems we ran into when both of our opposites weren't fit to play, but that doesn't really give any answers for why we played so weakly in the actual match. The guys who were there shouldn't have been affected by any of that stuff. It's kind of like, immediately after the match, you understand what you did wrong and if you had another chance to play the same game the whole thing would happen differently. I don't know if that makes sense, but I am 100% sure that we would play an entirely different game if we had another chance to play them. It's like a lesson in instant wisdom.

I guess the trick is figuring out how to change the bad vibes during the match and not have to wait for the 20/20 rearview vision. Sometimes I think we should have little cheat notes that we could refer to during the games. Several lines of text tattooed right on our forearms: Stay Aggresive. Play with heart. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Etc... Maybe that would help. Anyways, the whole thing was embarrasing and hopefully we won't have to deal with anything like that again.

Yesterday, we played VCO Berlin at home and the outcome was completely opposite. I wouldn't say that we played a whole bunch better, and this is where the home crowd comes into the argument, but we did enough to get out of there with a 3-0 win. And it looks like when everything is all settled at the end of the season, set score is going to be pretty important so 3-0 is also big for us.

There wasn't anything too remarkable that happened during the match so I don't want to spend more time on it.

Off the court we've had some...ahem...interesting things happening lately. Starting with the league's top blocker and one of our co-captains breaking his shoulder trying to do a judo roll for a university test. Sometimes that Fortune lady is a bitch. He's basically out for the year and it's not so much that I don't trust his replacement, it's more that we now only have two real middles. Nathan is actually our new backup middle blocker. No matter how well he bounces balls out of the position, it is asking quite a bit to have him learn to play middle in the space of two months. Just a negative development in so many ways. But, we'll see, maybe it will force us to pick up our game in different areas. I should also say that I feel terrible for Dirk, he's a great guy and it always sucks to see someone injured like that. Hopefully he'll be back and ready to go as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it was fun this weekend to have a visit from some of the people from Amager Volley. Always nice to see some people from Denmark and to get a chance to show off a little for them. I guess this weekend wasn't too bad of a choice considering that it is Karneval here in Germany!

This weekend we're off to Rottenburg and another win is absolutely necessary. Apparently they have one of the best fan bases anywhere in German volleyball - around 2500 people at every match - so it should be fun to see what it's all about down there.


Nathan said...

Yep, I'm never giving shit to a middle blocker again. Middle is bloody hard!

Anonymous said...


Sounds like things could be better but I am sure you will survive. You sound like our team here. We started the season with 5 middles, but after two stopped going to school and Korsbak got hurt we played the last month with 2....good thing they didn't get hurt. We are done now, we lost 2-1 in the Quarter finals against Winnipeg. They were #2 and we were #7 but it sucks all the same. We won Friday night 3-2 after being down 2-1 and our rookie Frenchie got 32 points. The next night we won the first 25-18 and then went up 24-20 in the second and couldn't close it out and ended up losing the next three sets and then 3-1 the next night. I truly believe we would have won the match if we could have closed out the second set as Winnipeg looked done. Hopefully a learning experience for all the guys since they are so young, but still hard to swallow sitting on the sidelines! Anyways, hope all is good in Germany and I will shout at you soon.

Ses on the ses,
