Saturday, December 08, 2007


Just wanted to pass along a site that I found interesting. I'd love it if he would do some broader analysis involving more than just women's collegiate volleyball, but the conclusions are interesting just the same.

Check out Volleymetrics.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've read the blog for some time and find the disucussions interesting but not astonishing.

The conclusions are of course that you can stat anything not only by rating touches but also do complicated statistics and mathematichal dissections on almost anything (which to me as a biologist is not surprising).

It is however always about prioritization: Do you wan't to focus on teaching skills and tactics or allocate ressources (time, manpower) to mathematical analysis.

In the ideal world you'd do both but in both swedish and danish volleyball the ressources are limited.

I do however find the discussions and philosophy based on the findings very interestning and inspiring and recommend the blog very much.
