Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh the Anger.

Someone's BITTER........

What's the point of taking a little shot like that? Factually, I guess it is correct, but the argument behind the statement doesn't really hold up. Marienlyst has two former national team players who played on the team as recently as last Summer. Of course, the total would be higher if not for certain problems this year. But, just because some of the guys have been injured or need to spend time with their families or just don't want to play with the national team this year, that doesn't mean that they aren't going to in the future or aren't national team caliber players. I think Aalborg knows a lot about players deciding not to play for the national team for lots of different reasons.

Did anyone tell Svend that there were two foreigners on his team this year?

Anyways, I got a little chuckle out of this, just thought I would share.


Anonymous said...

Again an example on how danes react to somebody else doing good. Find the small mistakes!!


Anonymous said...

Det er jo ikke sikkert der er af bitterhed, i hvert fald er der igen af spillerene eller trænerene der føler nogen bitterhed mod BM og den fortjente DM titel.
Nu skal jeg jo ikke udtale mig på Svends vegne eller forsvare ham, men har du ikke selv skrevt i en tidligere post at man er nødtil "to be thicker skinned" overfor hvad andre skriver på deres blog eller hjemmeside da det blot er deres persktiv på et given emne. I den sammenhæng kan Svends konstatering blot ses endnu et indlæg i den "never ending" diskussion om antallet af udlændinge i dansk volleyball.

/Thomas B

Anonymous said...

can you take this?
"...But, at some point, people are going to need to be thicker skinned. When you have your own blog or forum, the whole idea is to publicly trumpet your opinions. When someone comments on your opinion, or viewpoint, it is their prerogative to offer their own viewpoint or feeling. If that feeling is negative, it is in my opinion, ridiculous to attack that person. Attack their arguments but not them. That doesn't mean that people should constantly throw around negative feelings towards each other, but let's all try to deal with things with a little more perspective. I only say this because I feel like people have gotten a little chippy with each other at different points of the season, and in my opinion those people need to relax a little bit. If someone thinks your product is poor, then prove to them it is not, don't just automatically shut down and start name calling."

\Joakim, the forigner.

Jordan said...

Huh. Maybe you guys are right. Maybe I should just take it easy. The post was meant with a little bit more irony than probably came across. But I did mean what I said. I'll try to defend why I said it and why I don't think it is hypocritical in regards to what I wrote earlier:

First, I don't think anyone should sit back and just take it when someone else attacks you unprovoked. What I meant in my earlier post, that Joakim has so kindly pasted here, was that at some point people need to let it go if someone says something negative about them. That doesn't mean that you can't have a discussion and try to get your point across. What is dumb, is when the whole thing turns into name calling and character assassination. It doesn't do anybody any good to start calling each other idiots. Even if that is fun to read for everyone else.

Now, I may be guilty in my most recent post of getting a little personal. I probably shouldn't have said anything at the end about the two foreigners on HIK's team. That isn't really productive. However, Svend's original post was obviously meant as a negative statement towards me (as a foreigner) and my team (as a team using too many foreigners in Svend's opinion). Beyond that, while factually correct, the content of the post was drastically in need of a little deeper analysis. I tried to give that analysis with a glint in my eye and without spending a lot of time on it. And I presented it the way that I felt about it - I read something that made me chuckle and I thought it would be interesting to share it and some quick thoughts about it. I'm not angry, I'm not steaming about it and I definitely don't want to make this into an issue. What I am going to do is go into a little more detail as to why I thought that Svend's post was pretty far off base.

First, looking at Marienlyst's roster, I count at least FIVE players that have been on the national team in the last few years. That's a fairly high number for a team made entirely of foreigners. Second, out of those five, one obviously cannot participate but definitely would have been on the national team and probably starting at center. One has had some shoulder problems and DECIDED not to play for the team this summer and a third also decided not to play. That's three right there that were asked but decided not to play. That's a big difference from NO ONE being SELECTED. It's especially important because Aalborg has had several players who decided not to play on the national team for their own personal reasons in the last couple of years.

So, the statement that no one was selected from Marienlyst is misleading. And when the next provocative statement - (rough translation) not surprising when you have to be danish to be on the national team - is built on that first semi-false statement then there is a problem. It's hard to take that statement because it demeans everything that our Danish players did during the season. Yes, our foreigners are a major part of our team, but Paw made a huge difference for us in the semi-finals and finals as well as Per and Søe and everyone else. It's a kind of lazy pot shot at the team that just won the gold medals and it comes off as bitter.

And here is the difference in my mind. If Svend had written something like:

Aalborg HIK is the best represented Danish club on the national team providing a majority of the players that come from inside Denmark with four. Only three other players come from Danish clubs, 2 from SK Aarhus and 1 from Gentofte while the Gold and Bronze winners, Marienlyst and Middelfart respectively, are not represented at all on this year's team. We are proud of the homegrown Danish talent that we have produced and are glad that we have a strong foundation for the next several years. While other clubs have invested in foreign talent, we've developed our own players and are now seeing the fruits of that labor. Etc...

That would have been much more effective in getting his message across in my opinion.

Even something more straightforward like: Marienlyst and Middelfart have too many foreign players on their rosters and it has strangled the Danish talent, not allowing them to play to their full potential. Their lack of Danish players is negative for our league and our national team. How is it possible that neither of them have even one player on the national team?

While I might have disagreed with the statement, at least there is some substance to it. At least there is something of value in the opinion.

But, instead, he chose the cheap shot and I think it is fair to call him out on it.

Attack the arguments, not the people. That was my main point, if you can't offer a reasoned opinion then there is no point in commenting. I honestly have nothing against Svend, but I think that his statement was obviously meant to provoke those of us it was aimed at. Whether or not I should let myself be provoked is a whole different story...

Anonymous said...

And thus you get caught in the catch 22, that many of us have been more of less successfully been tryingto cope with this season :).

If someone writes something about you or your team, that either offends you, is plain false or maybe written in anger just to take a poke at you, then you get the dilemma on how to respond.

Not responding works in some situations but sometimes you simply have to respond. That can either be with a fun twist (like my old Captain jack post), with anger, irony or just trying to explain your side of the story.

And then everyting you do will become over analysed, which ends in regretting making the response post in the first place :).

Noone who reads your post can actually take it for more than it is, and small response from a clear provocation, and even done in a really low key and nonagreesive manner.

People are just touchy, and the only thing to wonder is if its really worth it to be a public person in our little volleyball world :).

hep hey

Amanda said...

I agree that you should be able to defend yourself however things just have to be let go of at some point. This world is full of disagreements, no surprise there. :)

Anonymous said...


Nate here, in odense! Game tomorrow vs denmark. YOU IN?? Hope to see you at the indraetshallen at 7pm.

Nathan (nightshift)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jordan,

I think that you are in your right to be offended on your team-mates behalf. I believe that there is a big difference in what a person can write on the clubs website, and on a private blog. When you write on a public forum or own blog, you can state your personal opinion, even though people know what club yuou normally represent, or at least, it should be possible to do so. But when you (in this case, Svend) writes something as a news item on the clubs website, the main communication platform of the club, internally and externally, you have to keep it sober and thought through. In my opinion, writing something like what Svend wrote, can look very amateurish, and will not make the club look like it is run professionally, which, if I was a potential sponsor, would be expecting. If you want to put such a message through, do it as a quote instead, then it comes across as a personal statement, and not the official statement of the club.

Offcourse, all of the above is my personal opinion, bla bla...sounds like a german pharmaceutical commercial hehe...

Mikkel "Bøf"

Cleber - said...

I'm Brazilian university students and loves volleyball!
How is the Denmark in volleyball? I don´t know it. Take care