Monday, December 05, 2005

Gentofte Match and some other stuff…

From what I heard, yesterday’s match was a bit sloppier than expected. I think both teams played well at times, Gentofte was clearly better than us in the second set for example. But overall there were too many service mistakes, hitting errors and personally, setting errors. The team and I will take a little time to get back into a good rhythm after my time out. On the good side, we won and generally my shoulder felt pretty good. In fact, I might just float serve from now on…

I think both teams can expect a different match next time. I know that Gentofte will play better, especially on their home court. And I know that we can play better. Hopefully that will result in a good volleyball match in Copenhagen, the way a semi-final should be.

I’ve spent time in this blog criticizing the referees, but there should also be space to give them credit. I can happily say that I felt yesterday’s match was the best refereed match I have played in all year. It was a pleasure!

I don’t know if anyone else has been checking on them, but Wuppertal lost a heartbreaker last night, 3-2 to Berlin. That would have been a BIG win for them as it would have established that they are ready to compete with the top of the Bundesliga. As it stands now they haven’t beaten any of the real top teams yet. I expect that Mads was starting but no word on how much Peter played.

Congrats to Holte for playing themselves into the slutspil. I already said it but I was pretty surprised that Sk Aarhus didn’t win that match. It also looks like it’s going to be a tight race over on the ladies’ side. DHG, Amager or SK Aarhus isn’t going to make it. Great to see that some new faces have stepped up this year. It will be interesting to see what happens next weekend!

A couple of the statements in the game report from the Marienlyst website were wrong. Mads Toubro was behind the serve series in the second set that pretty much won it for Gentofte...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej Jordan
Der står mere på wuppertals hjemmeside men det er selvfølgelig på tysk, så du må få Maja til at oversætte!
Peter Lyck spillede hele kampen, idet Lars Dinglinger er ryg-skadet. Desuden spillede 2.hæveren fra ca. 2.sæt, også pga en skade.
Wuppertal var foran 10-7 i 5.sæt, men tabte 13-15 da drengene fik for mange nerver tilsidst. Der var 1900 tilskuere, og iflg. Jens var Wuppertal kampens bedste hold, men manglede lige det sidste. Han skældte ikke ud i omklædningsrummet - men roste holdet for at have spillet en fantastisk kamp. De er nået op på et højt niveau tidligere end nogen havde forventet.
Både Mads og Peter spiller forrygende, så det er jo bare fantastisk.

Tillykke med sejren i weekenden, og godt at høre at din skulder er iorden igen.
Hils Maja