Friday, February 02, 2007


I got to sit down with the rest of our team last night and see the second half of Germany vs. France and then the entire Denmark vs. Poland match afterwards. Our team, of course, is made up mainly of German players but, and it's kind of funny, we also have Danes and Poles. So, three out of the four semi-final teams were covered. Both matches were obviously exciting. Too bad that Denmark couldn't pull out the victory, a Denmark vs Germany final would have been a lot of fun to watch on Sunday. I haven't had a chance to really process everything that happened but it turned out to be a truly interesting night.

Just seeing the difference between the way Germans and Danes approached the two matches was riveting. You could almost sense the way the Germans sat back and expected to win in the end. Obviously, they were nervous and excited, just like any sports fan would be. But, there was a distinct difference from the way the Danes acted. I don't know if you can call it arrogance, confidence or just a more "been there, done that" attitude. It was weird. Their team played solid, didn't make mistakes (except on that one play where the guy lost the ball in the backcourt) and won in the end. It was like their fans knew it would happen and therefore they were more calm.

The Danes on the other hand were all over the place. They played amazing at times, made some terrible mistakes, couldn't score for long periods even though they had plenty of chances. The fans were positive that Denmark couldn't win. They expected losing and they seemed afraid to really believe that they could win. And in the end, they didn't.

I wonder if this kind of thing means something deeper. Does it mean that Danes have been burned so many times with their teams that they have a hard time really putting their hearts behind them? On the other hand, Germany has had so much success on the international scene, football, handball, etc... that it is easy for a German fan to root for their team. Or does it mean that Germans just have more of a winner mentality? Or maybe, since Denmark is smaller, these kind of events mean a lot more to them then they do to Germany. When a Danish team makes it to the Semi-FInals of a major tournament that means so much more than when a German team does.

I could just be making this stuff up in my own mind. But it seemed to me that there was a real difference in the way the two groups of people approached the match. Sometimes I wonder if that is a reflection of the players on the court or if the players on the court reflect that nervous energy from their fans. Does the confidence of 19,000 fans rub off on the team they are rooting for? Or, by the same logic, does the refusal to believe in your team make a difference to the players on the court?

That relationship between players and fans seems kind of like a real relationship between any two people. The fans want to support their team and they want to believe that the team they root for is the best. The team on the other hand agrees to always do their best and to give the fans something to be proud of. If either side doesn't fulfill their resposibility then problems happen. If the team keeps losing and not playing well, then the fans have a hard time giving everything to the team because they, understandably, don't want to put in so much effort to a lost cause. Ironically, if the fans are dead and they don't create a great atmosphere for the players then that will negatively affect the way the team plays.

I don't think it can be argued against that some teams benefit from playing in front of their home crowd. I guess my question is whether some teams can be negatively affected by their fans and whose responsibility is it to make sure that that never happens?

I kind of ended off on a little tangent, but I think the question is an interesting one. Originally, I just wanted to say I thought the games were exciting and I'm a little disappointed we won't be seeing a Germany vs Denmark final. But I guess I'll still have the opportunity to be nervous and pessimistic when Denmark is playing against France for third place...

1 comment:

kristougher said...

Jeg kan fuldt ud tilslutte mig den beskrivelse, du giver af danskernes attitude op til og under kampen. Fra mig selv altså.

Utallige gange i løbet af slutrunden har jeg sagt 'så er det slut', men pessimismen er - med en enkelt undtagelse - blevet gjort til skamme. Det er dog kun noget, jeg oplever med håndboldholdet. Jeg tror vi er væsentligt mere optimistiske, når vi snakker fodbold. Det er heller ikke et spil vi selv har fundet på, det gør nok forventningens byrde lidt mindre.

Hvis tilskuerne i hallen har haft det som jeg, er de sikkert blevet udmattede af hele tiden at skulle rejse sig fra at være blevet opgivende. Det kan meget vel have smittet af på spillerne, der ikke har fået samme øjeblikkelige jubel-respons efter en scoring sidst i kampen. Det tror jeg godt kan have indflydelse på, hvor stor en oplevelse det er, at sende en bold i mål.

Held og lykke med det hele